Minnesotans are developing ways to replace, restore, or regenerate cells, tissues, and organs to help people all over the world return to better health.

Our Objectives
Support Minnesota scientific and medical research that has the potential to translate to clinical advances in regenerative medicine.
Clinical Translation
Translate regenerative medicine research into clinical therapies.
Develop Minnesota businesses and infrastructure to deliver regenerative medicine products and services.
For the first five years, 2014-2019, RMM funded programs to educate, recruit and retain a regenerative medicine workforce in Minnesota.

What's going on Up North
Biobusiness creating equipment to support regenerative medicine researchers.
Education programs offered a comprehensive pipeline that encouraged Native Americans to pursue science, research, and regenerative medicine careers.

What's going on in Lake Country
Responding to the growing and increased need for healthcare workers, SCRUBS camps offered an opportunity to educate students on possible career options.

What's going on in the Twin Cities?
Scientific research projects in progress at the University of Minnesota.
Clinical trials move research from the lab to patient therapies.
Developing labs, equipment and cell processes to support regenerative medicine research and future therapies.

What's going on in Rochester and the South?
Scientific research projects in progress at Mayo Clinic.
Clinical trials move research from the lab to patient therapies.
Developing labs, equipment and cell processes to support regenerative medicine research and future therapies.
Regenerative Medicine Minnesota - Our Story
We’re adding grains of sand to the dunes of knowledge & discoveries that have preceded us.
Minnesota has a history of pioneering the future of medicine. We still have that pioneer spirit! In 2014, the Minnesota State Legislature voted to fund a bold program−$4.35 million per year−dedicated to positioning Minnesota at the forefront of the next era of medicine: regenerative medicine.
While antibiotics (like penicillin) and biologics (like statins to lower cholesterol) have saved millions of lives and prevented great suffering, there are still diseases that cannot be cured. Regenerative medicine takes aim at the incurable with next-generation solutions to help the body heal itself. Cell biology and development, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering, and other relevant fields are brought together to develop ways to replace, restore, or regenerate the damaged or malfunctioning cells and tissues that stand between Minnesotans and better health.
Regenerative Medicine Minnesota (RMM) has a vision for creating a hub of regenerative medicine knowledge, technology, and practice. We fund a portfolio of research that focuses on areas that matter to Minnesotans: heart disease, diabetes, brain and spinal injuries, the immune system, liver disease, cancer, eye disease, and osteoarthritis. We are also working on building the infrastructure by helping businesses develop the capacity to manufacture the products at a quality and quantity that they can be provided to patients. In time, we will help bring these new therapies to clinics across the state.
Applications are sent out for review by experts around the world, and grants are awarded based on their reviews and scoring.
RMM has a Board with a wide range of experience, from clinical research trials and the safety of human subjects, to education, to medical device technology and development, to science and medicine. The Board works to ensure that RMM follows strict guidelines: honesty, transparency, fiscal health, giving grants to the best research, and helping eliminate conflicts of interest.
One deliberate step at a time, we are laying the groundwork for the future of medicine in Minnesota. We are finding and funding the best ideas in regenerative medicine. We are creating an environment to attract and support a strong biotechnology industry. We are building the infrastructure to deliver new medical therapies. And most importantly, we are planning to bring those discoveries and new treatments to Minnesotans throughout the state.
Follow our progress and help us lead the way in the future of medicine in Minnesota…and in the world.